Diabetes in Chinese Medical History
Chinese medicine has a foundation of more than 2,000 years. Due to the lack of systematic research and circulation, it has not received attention and recognition. The Hong Kong Diabetes Health Association has the privilege of acquaintance to an old Chinese medicine practitioner who has selflessly offered a natural herbal tea which can effectively improve the glycosylated hemoglobin value of type 2 diabetes patients. Evidenced by hundreds of successful cases, the Association considers it the suitable time to further study in scientific method from Western medicine to cite the efficacy of HbA1c & glycosylation.
The Hong Kong Diabetes Health Association is a non-profit organization. Since 2014, the “Natural Herbal Tea” has been provided free of charge to type 2 diabetic patients. After more than four years of research, the results of voluntary tests of more than 300 patients showed that, after drinking the “Natural Herbal Tea” for 20 days, along with healthy diet and proper exercise, the fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin were improved significantly. Furthermore, their blood pressure, triglyceride, cholesterol, liver and kidney functions were also improved. It is particularly important to note that these patients were no longer required to take medications after their health indexes had been restored to normal level. The main reason is that the patients’ bodily functions, especially liver and kidney, are improved. If the patient continues to keep a healthy lifestyle, they can stay away from diabetes. Western medicine has always defined diabetes as an incurable disease, now by using the “Natural Herbal Tea”, along with healthy diet and proper exercise, it is no longer a fantasy to get rid of diabetes.

漢武帝罹患消渴症, 糖尿病, 本來依照御醫開處方, 服用腎氣丸不但無效, 反而病情加重, 再投以其他藥石也是無效, 群醫束手無策, 根據歷史資料, 漢高祖劉邦在黥布叛亂時, 抱病帶兵 征剿,作戰中受了箭傷, 平叛後傷口不癒、 潰爛以及感染, 傷勢日益嚴重。 最後的結果是漢高祖由此駕崩。
古時「慈禧太后」晚年亦患上消渴症, 纏綿多年, 雖然經過各種藥物治療, 病情並無起色, 群醫也束手無策, 後來太醫召集宫中御醫商討對策: 奏請詔告天下, 徵求當時治好漢武帝消渴症之御方, 告示表明: 珍藏者將賞以千金萬兩及欽賜為御醫官職。 經過皇帝批准告示張貼出去, 江南有位儒醫名「白鶴子」前來拆榜,「白鶴子」 有收藏該古時治癒漢武帝之御方。 經數個月, 慈禧太后的消渴症果然順利治好, 漢武帝的宮廷配方經過二千年後, 終於也能進入清宮醫案記載中。 糖尿病在古代為帝王貴族之病, 多發生在肥胖, 多食富有者之中,也就是人們所稱之﹝富貴病﹞來源。

汪精衛身患有糖尿病, 嚴重影響其手術效果, 雙腳無力, 走路腰背如同針刺, 只好臥床不起; 又因患有糖尿病, 飲食方面相當控制, 日常所吃只是一碟碎雞肉、 雞肝, 加上點用甘筍、 菠菜磨成的醬, 使其胃口極差, 手術後得不到更好的營養。 時間一久, 他血色素低, 藥物幫助不大, 只好輸血得以維持正常體質。 他的長子、 幼子等隔三差五就要為他輸血, 效果不僅不得效, 反而因輸血而屡發風疹。 最後遺願不得實現,客死他鄉。